Deepen your communion with the Divine, improve your meditation and breathwork practices and increase your mood and energy.
Practice these prayers for 40 Days. Recite or write these prayers daily. Do this at least 3 times a day (morning, midday and night). Or try 3x in the morning, 3x at midday and 3x at night. Or try 3x in the morning, 6x midday and 9x at night!! The journey, the route you take is really up to you. Just let go and flow. Enjoy your practice... SET THE MOOD and MEDITATE w// this prayer: God I put my life in your hands I believe that you are filling me up with your power (pause and imagine being filled with the love and light of the Divine - approx 1 min) I have an unwavering faith that you and your angels are guiding me and always with me I believe that your healing grace is all over me (slow your exhales, pause and imagine healing pouring over your mind, body, spirit, relationships, career, finances etc - approx 1 min) I see this as already done and I give you praise and thanks, AMEN PRAY and GIVE THANKS in advance w// this prayer: God there is a POWER greater than myself in YOU. I can't do this life alone. I have tried 1000 times and failed. But when I draw upon my higher power that is you -- you always get it done. I turn my will over to you. I surrender my life, my burdens, my circumstances to you. Lord, cast out my fears, remove all my doubts and worries, release from me any unbelief. God give me strength as I yield myself to your power and I let it flow through me... and so it is! Namaste and AMEN. BONUS MONEY PRAYER - - Declare and Affirm w// this prayer: I bless the money that I have. I am connected to the infinite wallet of God. My money can never be depleted. As money goes out, it immediately returns -- under grace and in a perfect way. I always see my wallet crammed and jammed with money. I see my wallet bulging with abundance in every way. I feel my wallet heavy with money and see my bank account overflowing NOW! I am so excited about all the ways I am able to share and grow my money. Thank You Thank You Thank You. * adapted from Florence Scovel Shinn's Money Prayer Thank you for sharing time, space and energy with me!! May your journey be a blessed one. See ya next time. Xo - JG
AuthorJanet Gathers is a lover of wellness especially those things that are wHolistic. Janet loves to practice reiki and yoga as well as train people to become their best selves. She would love for you to join the party!! Archives
July 2023